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High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - Printable Version

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High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - fam1x - 16-02-2012 11:16pm

I was wondering if anyone noticed this on their cars.

When I put the car in reverse I get a continue tone from the car, think indicating I'm too close to the object behind me, however when you look at the camera there's nothing there.

I start reversing and get close to the car behind then the beeping noise start and you can see the graphics indicating how close you are.

I'm sure this started yesterday at first I ignored it now it seems the high pitch tone is every time I’m select reverse.

If anyone experiences this please let me know if you did anything to resolve it or does that mean I need to go back to the dealers?

RE: High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - XFullFatTim - 16-02-2012 11:17pm

This is a sign that one of the sensors may not be working properly. Could be one of two things - a) Is the car very dirty and the sensors dirty or b)Have you had the car pressure washed recently?
I haven't experienced it with my Evoque but I did with an RRS every winter when the car got very dirty after snow and the roads had been salted. The problem with pressure washers is that if the jet is directed straight at a sensor it can damage the covering and fill the sensor head with water. To find out which sensor is in fault get somebody to sit in the car with the engine running and the sensors switched on and walk close to the heads, you may hear one clicking, that is the faulty one!

RE: High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - cjfp - 16-02-2012 11:18pm

Sh!t (technical term) on one of the front park sensors?

RE: High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - fam1x - 16-02-2012 11:19pm

Yes i had the car washed last weekend and yes its gone very dirty already lol I tried cleaning the dirty off the sensors. Surely that can’t be that sensitive or can they?

RE: High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - XFullFatTim - 16-02-2012 11:27pm

it's not that they are sensitive but that the muck is causing them to send back false signals.

RE: High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - fam1x - 16-02-2012 11:31pm

oh ok will get that car clean again this weekend see what happens keep you guys posted

RE: High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - cjfp - 16-02-2012 11:34pm

Make sure they don't jet wash the sensors directly.
Is the tone the same pitch as the front or the rear sensors as this ight give you an indication of the location of the issue?

RE: High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - PhilSkill - 16-02-2012 11:49pm

The front sensors give a higher pitched warning tone than the rear, so you should be able to identify which end is causing the false signal (hopfully not a fault).

Interesting note on the jet washing, since I'm thinking of buying a foam lance for my pressure washer. I'd have hoped the sensor are water tight! otherwise rain would be an Issue.

RE: High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - XFullFatTim - 17-02-2012 12:10am

the sensors are watertight, but not to the pressure that a pressure washer can generate, especially when it's held close to the car's body. 4 years ago I hastened the demise of my Defenders chassis by using a very high pressure pressure washer to get the mud off............. unfortunately it also removed lots of rust leaving me with an 18" long hole in the chassis box section.

RE: High pitch nose from the reversing sensors - fam1x - 17-02-2012 12:39am

well just went for a drive to check the noise again but enable to replicate the problem car seems to be working fine again Smile