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RE: The budget and the Evoque - jitenc - 22-03-2012 10:14pm

Well, whatever Tax I have paid for the Evoque and the added luxuries, would hopefully pay for less potholes on the road and lesser Toll roads.......

RE: The budget and the Evoque - Broadsword1959 - 22-03-2012 11:05pm

I have always wondered why the UK Government has not put a Road Tax / License and Insurance requirement on Private Trailers and Caravans as they do in many other countries. (Check D and NL Caravans during the summer - different plate than that of car)

With each Caravan / Trailer having its own License Plate, MOT Requirement and Insurance I am sure more money would be available for pot hole filling.

Why should someone be able to store a piece of road going equipment over the winter, just hook it up and drive without any additional insurance, MOT style safety checks etc?

Every Easter Bank Holiday I see caravans with broken axels / tow bars sitting at the side of the road as they make their first journey of the year from storage.

I know this will infuriate the Caravan Club members on here but I think I will ask my local MP why they are not looking at this possible revenue stream. Might even allow the government to lower fuel or road tax across the board whist not reducing revenue


RE: The budget and the Evoque - cutter7 - 22-03-2012 11:32pm

(22-03-2012 06:49pm)cjfp Wrote:  Blimey, anyone might have thought that those who earn above the national average don't already pay 'more tax', let alone 'proportionallly more tax' to subsidise those on low income / benefits.

Thank god (or whomever) they haven't decided to take away my Child Benefit - I use that very wisely - spend most of it on women and beer ..... the rest I just waste ! ( Laughing )

Look at where our tax money goes:

Move the sliding £ slide to reflect your salary..Shocked

RE: The budget and the Evoque - TiTan - 22-03-2012 11:35pm

Trust the Guardian to take a good story for the UK (booming demand for a local product, increased employment as a result) and turn it into an attack on the people buying the product.

RE: The budget and the Evoque - jitenc - 23-03-2012 12:01am

On the contrary, the Telegraph's motoring section had this to say:

Quite positive! Considering Nissan is one of several businesses in the automotive sector to receive conditional offers from the £2.4 billion Regional Growth Fund (RGF). Two businesses in Nissan’s supply chain have also received funds from the RGF,  Unipres Europe Limited and Vantec Europe Limited.

What hipocrites!

RE: The budget and the Evoque - timslim - 23-03-2012 08:30am

Frightening results from the telegraph - how come that proportion goes to the environment!....I know its an important job they do but must be heamoriging money like the water companies do water!

RE: The budget and the Evoque - J77 - 23-03-2012 12:08pm

I had no choice but to pay £31k for the Evoque as LR wouldn't sell it to me for the price of an Astra. The government should be pleased that people are buying the evoque, as if I bought the Astra it would be less VAT, less road tax and less fuel tax. Overall less tax to line george osbournes pockets.............. Lets all go and buy an Astra.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank George osbourne for taxing every thing I earn, thus forcing me to buy a pure rather than a prestige.

RE: The budget and the Evoque - XFullFatTim - 23-03-2012 12:40pm

Even better go buy a Hybrid and deprive the UK Treasury not only of the VED but also the reduced VAT on the tiny amount of fuel they are reputed to burn and while we are at it put more UK workers out work (unless you fancy a G-Whizz).

RE: The budget and the Evoque - Token - 23-03-2012 02:36pm

This is all totally unbelievable! The sad thing is, that the majority of the population seem to think that high earners (i.e. above £150k) have had a tax break and got away with something! FFS!

The 50% tax was introduced as a temporary measure to bail out the country...people will say that it is the wealthy bankers that have messed up the economy...but these so called 'working class' people have played a significant part...they have bought house, and taken out loans they can't afford, and their excuse that the banks shouldn't have given them the money is pathetic!

I'm not a banker and I don't have any debt...and yes, I bought my Evoque with cash because I did that weird thing of saving up my money and then buying a car that I could actually afford! So I am in no way responsibile for the economic issue we are facing, in fact, quite the opposite! And yet, I am now being abused because the temporary additional 10% tax that I have been paying is being 12 months time by the way...and even then, it will still be 5% more than the previously agreed rate!

I come from a working class background I dad was a tradesman and I shared a single bedroom with my two brothers. But this isn't what defines my class. I am working class as far as I'm concerned because I work and have always worked...and that includes the £8k per annum shop job I had 12 years ago!
It makes me laugh that people who spend half their life claiming benefits define themselves working class, whereas I'm not working class because I earn a big salary! Pathetic.

I don't mind paying tax, ultimately it funds our country and generally speaking it is a good place to live...but frankly I would prefer it if the people that are 'apparently suffering' thanked me for contributing £100k per year in tax to keep food on their table rather than abusing me for buying a Range Rover!

I have worked hard having left school with no qualifications and have worked many crap jobs...I am rightly proud of what I have achieved and what I contribute...I am a very normal guy and I truly believe that 95% of the population could have achieved what I have achieved, if not more. We should do everything we can to help out those with disabilities or those that will genuinly struggle to get a good job. But for all of those earning £20k a year who bought a detached house and a BMW during the good years thanks to the generosity of the banks, sod them!

I'm sorry if this makes me sound bad and I will probably delete the post later as it probably makes me sound like a pompous idiot and further damages the good name of the wealthy! But I have genuinly had enough of freeloaders and jealous people who have chosen not to be successful.

To add further context, my other half is a PC in the police force, who despite having a business degree has decided to risk her life every day (they are now single crewed on the beat) for the good of the country and a crap salary...but then again, she gets abused as well because the police don't do enough and get a decent pension of course!

Drive your Range Rovers with pride guys...I suspect that most (if not all) have earned it.

RE: The budget and the Evoque - timslim - 23-03-2012 03:14pm

Don't delete the post - couldn't agree more with all that you say