(11-02-2014 03:17pm)PhilSkill Wrote: Are you joking, the cruise control ON button on a Renault Espace is down by your knee, impossible to see when driving along to turn it on, or switch between Limiter and Regulator mode. You end up fumbling at full arm reach with your chin on the steering wheel trying to reach it, not knowing which way you've selected... Mine's worse as it comes up on the dash in French but how more awkward could they have made that to turn on.
Evoque (ok oddly doesn't have limiter mode on 2013
) just cruise regulator but has simple set speed and the rear paddle easy to reach and cancel if you don't just brake, don't see a problem here.
Phill, we had 16 Renault's in 25 years and ergonomically I found them better designed. You probably speek about the preselector what you only use to switch between cruise and limiter, but this one you only use once.
The other swiches are located very handy on top of the wheel, to say up and down, off and resume.
As I mentioned, I was used to use cruise control as a hand throttle, but due to the weird position of the switches this does not work with the Evoque, on our Megane CC it works perfectly.
Here I won't mention that many times I have to apply the switches 5 times before the engine reacts.
No fault code could be detected by the garage, but this aside.
On the other hand the switches controlling the car settings, a feature you only use once a year, are perfectly positioned.
Not to speek about the door unlock switch, I discovered it after 2 month, to operate it you need to be the son of Houdini...!! or brake your wrist