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The List of Suggested Improvements (was 2012 Software Update List)

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The List of Suggested Improvements (was 2012 Software Update List)

THE LIST OF SUGGESTED IMPROVEMENTS TO THE EVOQUE. This List was created by a 2,000-member forum of Evoque owners and enthusiasts, whose combined value to Land Rover may exceed £100M. The List includes known bugs and deficiencies that forum members would like Land Rover to retro-actively rectify.

1. General Improvements:
1.1 Schedule Updates – Indicate when users can expect updates to systems, especially Navigation System maps, and how updates are processed.
1.2 Faster Systems Response – All software systems respond to key-presses too slowly, yet the Evoque's software systems can work faster, e.g. the navigation rotation arrows work too fast, and the keyboard screen secretly buffers presses if the user ignores the fact that the keypad just greyed-out.
1.3 Better User-Interface Design – Need a better software user interface design generally, but especially for navigation functions. For example, symbols are rarely used, but when used they are indiscriminate; the Navigation System shows a blue dot in the “present position” half of the screen, and the same blue dot in the “direction ahead” half of the screen.

2. Menu & SWYS Improvements:
2.1 Use Icons - Need to adopt icons instead of rectangular boxes that all look similar. Such all-same boxes makes readability challenging. Users have to stare at the boxes longer, it takes up a lot more space which makes underlying maps less usable, it reduces usability, it reduces speed-of-use and it distracts users from driving, thus compromising their safetly. All-same box buttons makes the Evoque look less up-to-date and less intelligent than competing vehicles with friendly user interfaces. This could warn prospective purchasers that Land Rover is out of touch with software development, and may thus be slow to upgrade or improve the Evoque's software/user-interfaces.
2.2 Screen Size/Resolution – Increase screen size/resolution, also increases space for soft-buttons and allows them to be less of an obstruction to underlying maps.
2.3 Blank Menu Spaces – Blank spaces in menus should be discouraged as they tend to increase the number of menu levels. For example, the Phone System's last-10 button has an unnecessary blank space under it.
2.4 Oversized Header – Reduce the size of the header on the display, so more map area can be shown. This is dead space, containing unneccessary information that is duplicated elsewhere, except for the Valet button, which is certainly not important enough to be an always visible, mandatory first button on every screen.
2.5 Additional Short-Cuts – Users should be able to add short-cuts onto more menu screens layers than just the home page. The option to customize the home page's short-cuts is burried (hidden) too deep in the menu heirarchy.
2.6 Short-Cut Layout -- Need better control of shortcuts, e.g. navigating through the camera views is a slow and complicated chore, and being able to jump to certain views would increase user safety. The setup menu is mostly a blank page, on which there aught to be a button dedicated to organizing menu short-cuts. Customization of screens is a big topic for users, given how frustrating and distracting the user interface can be.
2.7 Larger Font -- For those users who lack good vision, an option to enlarge fonts on key sat nav info would be useful and safer; similarly with the driver info system on the central display.
2.8 Home Screens – Need more screen savers, e.g. Digital Clock, Framework Evoque, random evoque pictures, etc. When driving, some users always like to have the map showing, so they would like to set the “home screen” to be the map and for it to always be visible when they start the Evoque.
2.9 Language Inconsistencies – The language can be changed for the console display, but the cockpit language seems unchangeable, as are the hard-coded English warnings in the camera displays.  Best to make it so that language is handled with one setting for all systems and subsystems.
2.10 Volume Mute – Add a Say What You See mute command, and a SWYS “volume xx” command where xx is a preferred volume level. There is no mute button available other than turning the volume control down to minimum or continually pressing the steering wheel minus-sign button, which is not the same thing as mute.
2.11 Dynamic SWYS – Add a Say What You See “Dynamic on” and Dynamic off” command, as users do not leave it on all the time. Users typically switch dynamic on for special roads and thus it would be easier and safer to be able to activate dynamic without having to take their eyes off a road that needs extra concentration.
2.12 HUD -- There should be a head-up display option.
2.13 Button Redundancy -- Given that the touch screen interface has such limited configurability, it seems wasteful that there are three main software buttons on the home page that are duplicated by hardware buttons down the side of the screen.
2.14 Dual-Screen – Overcome regluatory obstacles that prevent dual view screens being available in all countries
2.15 Joystick – Some users have suggested the need for a joystick to browse the map

3. Control System Improevements:
3.1 Key Memory – Ignition Key to be recognized as belonging to a particular driver, so that Evoque can set itself up accordingly, e.g. Seat/mirror settings, user, voice, language, etc. Real-Time Tire Pressures -- TPMS to display the actual tyres pressure on each corner in near-real time.
3.2 Unhide Time/Temp – Do not hide time/temp when Nav commands are active between dials [Non-Nav models?]
3.3 Chime Deactivate – Need a documented way to turn off the door-open chime and the seat-belt chime.
3.4 Manual Gear Number -- Show current gear number for manual box, between dials [non-automatic models]
3.5 Change Gear Indicator – Need an ability to turn off the change gear indicator between dials, while still maintaining the Stop/Start function [non-automatic models]
3.6 ECO Button Placement -- The automatic's ECO button should be near the Terrain Response System buttons (similar to the Dynamic). This should change AWD to 2WD on-the-fly. This would cause and instant fuel savings as there would be less wheels to drive, and would lighten the EPAS, and changes the throttle control. Best suited for city driving (or when only doing below 65kph).
3.7 ECO Button Light -- The ECO button light should be off when ECO is on, as the default ECO setting should be on. Thus, the light should be on when ECO is turned off. It is ironic and confusing that an unnecessary light is on to tell you it is in ECO.
3.8 Overboost -- An overboost button should be included to match the Dynamic setting.
3.9 Hard Reset – Include a hard reset button, inaccessible while driving, to reboot the Evoque if sensors go crazy. Otherwise, users are endangered by having to unplug their battery or touch positive to negative terminals.
3.10 System Fault Readout – System fault and diagnostic information to be included in dash, as an optional view for those users who more advanced.
3.11 External Temp Display - Some users have requested a display option for external temperature on the main screen, it is currently only available beside the speedometer.

4. Engine/Gear/Suspension Improvements:
4.1 Gearbox Freeze – Some users have reported the automatic gear box can throw a fault and the Evoque then refuses to move.
4.2 Death Squeal – Silence the agonizing, high-pitched whine the Evoque makes, after it is switched off.
4.3 Systems-Kill Delay -- The 10 minute cut off for radio/tv etc functions without the engine running is annoying. While users understanding battery drain, they feel certain a more polite cut-off system could be used. Some users have also suggested that a software operated kill switch should monitor Evoque behaviour, so that if the keys are not detected in the Evoque, it should be possible for the Evoque to start flashing headlights or otherwise notifying the Evoque may be stolen.
4.4 Exhaust Note – Instal an electronic baffleplate to change exhaust sound characteristics to match the dynamic setting, else it sounds like a bogging 4-cylinder.
4.5 8-Speed Gear Option – Some users have requested an eight-speed auto-gearbox option.
4.6 Speed Limiter – There should be a speed limiter option for quickly setting max speed in increments, as opposed to the max speed warning setting.
4.7 Shutdown Delay -- Allow the radio to play for longer than a few minutes without the engine being on.
4.8 Electronic Throttle – Gas pedal should provide medium accelleration when pushed half-way down. Instead, it goes from "slow", to "slower" after depressing further, then to "lurching" forward, with an odd stall-point in between slow and lurching. This is not the normal medium accelleration as one might want for turning into traffic, and it takes some getting used to.
4.9 Brake Feedback -- Brake pedal should allow user to determine how much force user would like to use to decellerate. However, the variable electronic assistance instead tries to guess how fast the user should stop, which makes it more difficult to stop at the desired pace.
4.10 Windows Down Bug – Some users report rear door windows winding themselves down during the night. No confirmation yet as to whether this was user error or an electrical fault.
4.11 Tank Empty Bug – Some users report their tanks running dry when the indicator is still above the red empty zone.
4.12 4x4 Info -- Provide more meaningful 4x4 information in supplied literature. Users have also requested serious off-roading information screen, including a compass display, map co-ordinates that can be entered or reviewed live during travel and pitch and roll information. Prestige Suspension -- Suspension (MagneRide) to be added as an option for the Prestige line.
4.13 Suspension Mode Hysteresis – Adjusting the suspension modes at a stop light can cause the Evoque to become confused about gearing when starting off again.

5. Navigation System Improvements:
5.1 Navigation Interface – The Navigation System is generally inadequate, especially the interface design. The user interface is a button-filled mess that often confines the viewable map area to 4-inches square. It has a difficult and slow menu system, requiring too many presses and too much waiting, which can be distracting when driving. The Nav could be far more sensibly laid out. The Navigation System can work faster, because sometimes it works too fast, for example, it spins out of control if the user tries to browse sideways near the rotate arrows. Most users believe the navigation interface and database needs to be updated.
5.2 Map Obscured – The buttons that float over the Navigation map views are large and inadequately transparent, thus they obscure the map. For example, the map rotation arrows obscure 10% of the map, and are thus too easy to press by accident resulting in the map spinning out of control. Also, the Navigation System does not let users browse forward in the direction of travel without popping up even more buttons and information under your fingers, which get in the way of the map.
5.3 Location Refresh -- Faster Navigation is needed, the Navigation System should warn user of approaching street or exit, before user has almost passed it by. The Navigation System should update its display more frequently than every 5-seconds, so users can see which street to turn on, rather than turning too early or too late because user's location has been irregularly jumping ahead every 5 to 15 seconds.
5.4 Map Zoom – A short-cut is needed to zoom the map. Zooming in and out repeatedly is neccessary because different information is visible at different zoom levels, and because it is too difficult to browse (slide) the map in the direction of travel. The P (parking beep) button is not used when travelling forward, and thus could be used as a short-cut to zoom in for say 5-seconds. Alternatively, it could zoom in initially, then switch to zooming out if it is has not been pressed within a few seconds.
5.5 Consistent Abbreviations -- Navigation system should moe consistently use the proper names of streets, but should also show/recognize abbreviations.
5.6 Include Pseudonyms -- Navigation database does not work well with pseudonyms, e.g. Canada has a road called QEW which has to be called HWY-401 with a hyphen touching the Y but not touching the 4, and without spelling out highway. Meanwhile, 401 is not listed in the text database, but it shows on the map.
5.7 List of One – When the nav system predicts the address road being typed, it displays the road name in full, yet that road name can not be selected immediately. Instead the user must press list, even it there is only one item in the list, and then confirm, and then of course about 3 more buttons to confirm route options, destination and go, whatever go means, which is all frustratingly unnecessary and dangerously distracting.
5.8 Town First – When entering an address in the nav system, some roads that are in the database, are not recognized unless town is entered first.
5.9 Disclaimer Warning – the Navigation System cancels itself unless the user first agrees to a boot-sequence disclaimer warning. It would be more useful, before the system cancels itself, if it could park the question while users get going, so users will not have to restart the whole Navigation boot process again.
5.10 Store Location – Need a quicker and easier way to store current location as Favourite in Navigation System.
5.11 Destination Entry -- less steps from destination entry to actually enabling Nav destination, users currently have to find destination, return to map, press 'destination' and then unnecessarily press 'Go' as well, each time waiting for the system to slowly react to key presses.
5.12 TMC Ahead List -- The TMC indicator on the NAV Map when pressed should take you directly to the "Issues Ahead" List. Or have a display for issues on the map? it should allow you to interogate the road system and not just the roads on route, like you can in the RR & RRS. There is no way to find out why the sat nav has sent you a stupid route and not the normal one, which may be due to a TMC message. Also, need to show what TMS information is being used to divert user, as 90% of UK TMS for example, is out of date.
5.13 Off-Road Nav – Need to include off-road sat-nav [OS] as part of the HDD Premium Navigation system on UK models – it is included in driver handbook but not in Evoques as delivered. In all other LR/RR models where SatNav is described as Premium, off-road sat nat is included.
5.14 Improved 3D View – The 3D view is cluttered and clumsy looking and could be greatly improved. It is certainly not competitive with other vehicles on the road.
5.15 Improve POI menu -- POI menu is too confusing, and it is dangerous, requiring users to keep their eyes off the road for minutes at a time as they navigate through four levels of mixed up menus that do not make sense even to experienced users.
5.16 New-POI – One of the buttons is labelled “New POI near current position”, but half of that sentence does not fit on the button. Instead the button says “New-POI nea...”. This button could be labelled “POI nearby” instead.
5.17 POI-Forgets – The Navigation System forgets POI categories from last use, causing the user to have to enter their favorite POI's all over again, which is painful given how badly the POI menus are organized
5.18 Non-UK Naviation Bug -- If the user sets the language and speech cues to a British/UK voice, the Navigation System will not let the user use the Navigaiton System in the US. Instead, the user has to choose English US or the nav wont work.
5.19 ETA from NAV -- When driving home, the user should be able to press "Take Me Home" and go into a screen saver, which would show a clock and the estimated time of arrival, as the driver likely already knows where they are going and just wants to be able to tell their wife when they will be home given the traffic conditions etc.
5.20 App Mirroring – Some users have requested the ability to mirror their phone or iPad's screen in the center console display. This is not considered safe by other users, unless carefully controlled. Given the inadequate state of current Evoque software, third-party and warranttee-violating hacks will likely become available to enable mirroring.
5.21 TMC unclear -- TMC implementation, compared to old BMW's, shows unclear information on the map and the event messages are truncated.

6. Phone System Improvements:
6.1 Enable WiFi -- Allow a WiFi dongle to be used in a USB port, so users can connect their Evoques to their wireless devices and home networks, and send files to/from the Evoque wirelessly. Another possible use would be to upload sat nav location and/or google routing information to the Evoque's sat nav.
6.2 Phonebook Search -- search suggestions by the phonebook should use all data-fields in the contacts database, because current suggestions are too limited.
6.3 Multiple Concurrent Phones -- It would be useful to allow more than one mobile phone to be connected at the same time.
6.4 Phonebook NavTo – Add an option to 'Navigate to' from Phonebook addresses; so users dont have to remember and type an address, which is distracting and dangerous
6.5 SMS -- Show SMS Text on screen when recieved (but only when Evoque is stationary, else it is distracting and dangerous).
6.6 Qwerty Phonebook – The phonebook should have a QWERTY keyboard option because triple or quadruple pressing the existing keypad buttons does not work well on a slow interface, especially one that has not tactile feedback. The errors and corrections distract drivers.
6.7 Change Phone – The Change Phone button should know if there are only two phones registered to the Evoque, thus removing the unneccessary steps of selecting the other phone and then pressing ok.
6.8 Symbian Incompatible Bug – There is a phone compatability problem with Symbian Anna, it does not return tomusic playback after call despite stating that it does on LR/RR comnpatability report.
6.9 BT over 40mph Bug – Bluetooth streaming can be used to pump internet radio into the Evoque from a phone, but it loses signal when the user picks up speed. This is a fault of the phone, but by adding a small antennae, the Evoque could ask you to "put your mobile into the centre armrest near the in-built antenna which relays a boosted signal." [Not sure this what is causing this, as BT should work at any speed].

7. Entertainment System Improvements:
7.1 Preset Layout – There are three sets of six AM stations, AM1, AM2 and AMA. One set of twelve stations would be preferable, as would one set of twelve FM stations. The current layout is confusing, they waste button presses to navigate them and nobody knows what AMA means.
7.2 Unneccessary Video Preview – The entertainment screen's video preview screen is unnecessary and adds extra complexity and button presses
7.3 Video Format Compatibility -- Too many video formats are not recognized and the user manual is vague about this.
7.4 Sound Options -- Meridian sound system graphics should offer more control, including mid-control on top of the top/low/sub settings and an equalizer.
7.5 Track Response -- Reduce delay in track changes.
7.6 Album Art – Display album art from mp3-tags or from the folder.jpg file
7.7 Rename CD's – Need ability to rename uploaded CD's, for example, users can have multiple CD's uploaded which all claim to be called Greatest Hits.
7.8 CD-Import Verification -- When importing CD's, display Track/Album Name/Artist
7.9 Volume Keypad -- Volume/Channel keypad is mis-aligned, it is too easy to press channel down and volume down at the same time because the bottom button is labelled off center to the left. To avoid this, the user has to press the volume down button just to the right of where it is indicated.
7.10 Cheap-feel Buttons -- The buttons on the steering wheel feel cheap, and the plastic-click they make is not satisfying. The soft-touch buttons on the Discovery steering wheel are considered better by some users.
7.11 USB Device Compatibility -- Not all USB devices will work, e.g. iPod shuffle.
7.12 USB Search -- When using large USB storage device, need ability to search artist or album, rather than stepping up/down list of all-tracks 5-lines at a time.
7.13 Ipod Search -- iPod mode could use a search function like in the phone mode. Now users have to go through the folders alphabetically, but with 7000+ songs in a typical iPod, it can take 20-minutes of distracting button presses to get to a specific artist.
7.14 Dial Labels - Artist name between dials, Rather than unneccessary USB1 [Non-Nav models?]. Also, should be artist name + song name displayed between the dials, currently is only song.
7.15 AM/FM Switch – The switch between AM and FM channels is too time consuming and complicated to navigate.
7.16 IOS5 Audio -- There is an iPhone IOS5 Bluetooth/cable audio issue documented here -
7.17 Music Repeat – The repeat function on the music system does not remember it has been pushed, causing the user to have to repeat the process of getting to that particular screen and pushing the repeat button again every time the Evoque is started.
Auto-Preset – Like most other vehicles, the radio system should be able to auto-find and auto-preset its programming for any area user enters, otherwise it is a long and complicated process to manage multiple screens and settings while driving.
7.18 Reception Module Bug – Some users report poor DAB/radio reception, especially in the US, resulting in free dealer upgrades.
7.19 Scan -- Need a scan function. Long-pressing the fast-forward hard-buttons allows an undocumented search function, but not a scan. The search function is labelled search in the display only if the steering wheel buttons are long-pressed, but is incorrectly labelled as a manual station tune if the CD buttons are long-pressed.

8. Heating/Cooling Improvements:
8.1 Linked Climate Control -- The Climate Control System for both sides of the Evoque should be link-able so that changing one side will also change the other side.
8.2 Heated Front Screen – Need a heating mesh that reduces flare-up of lights ahead, including a small area at eye level with no heating.
8.3 Remote Control – Need a remote starter option that allows remote setting of A/C, heated seats, heated steering wheel, defroster, seat and user settings.
8.4 Rear A/C Outlet -- The air outlet for the back seat hisses and/or whistles when used at high fan-speed, thus it has to be kept closed if there are no rear passengers.
8.5 CD air-vent – There is an air vent about one inch above the CD slot, but it blows so gently that it is likely an accidental benefit to air circulation. This vent should be widened, (which would also create an anchor point for a cell-phone below the main display).
8.6 Outer Leg Colder -- Heated airflow in the cabin does not reach the outer leg adequately on cold days. In fact, there is little to no air movement along the inside of the lower driver's door. This could be remedied by redirecting air that normally flows into the centre console, out sideways under the front seats.

9. Camera System Improvements:
9.1 Faster Backup Camera -- Rear backup camera should be able to turn itself on before user has finished backing up and shifting into forward drive. Some users suggest the Rear View Camera should become available for use earlier in the Evoque's ignition boot-up. Other users request the ability to select a “birds-eye view” while reversing.
9.2 Camera Security – Add a security camera function which uses the surround cameras to activate warning lights and sounds. This system would record images or video to the Evoque's hard drive during threft or accidents.
9.3 Birds-Eye View – Add a helicopter view to the camera modes similar to BMW or Audi, such that existing camera views are stitched to show a view around the Evoque as would be seen from directly above.
9.4 Parking Views – Need shortcuts for “Park Right” or “Park Left” to instantly switch on the front-right or front-left bumper/wing-mirror cameras. Alternatively, need a setting so that as soon as Evoque drops below a set speed, soft-buttons appear such as: Park Left & Park Right, while automatically activating front and rear parking sensors.

10. Sensor Improvements:
10.1 Blind-Spot Indicators – The blind-spot area should be widened to warn users if a passing (over-taking) vehicle is accelerating into a blind-spot from behind. Currently the blind spot indicators only show that vehicle is alongside, located within a blind spot area. However, North American roads are wider, and vehicles over-take on both sides at high-speed, making this feature even more important in North America.
10.2 Predictive Blind-Spot – A blind spot indicator that shows objects are about to enter the blind spot, not just that they are already inside it. This is especially useful in multi-lane highways where vehicles overtake from both sides.
10.3 Collision Avoidance -- Cross-traffic detection and collision avoidance, as available on Lincoln and Lexus vehicles.
10.4 Distance-Sensor Cruise -- Automatically adjusting cruise control that detects vehicle ahead, for following vehicles at a fixed distance and for warning if approaching to fast or too close to a vehicle ahead
10.5 Approach Sensor – A sensor that scans 3 ft out from the front and rear bumper on demand, to show approach-angle of hill and whether it is too steep
10.6 Depth Sensor – A sensor that scans the depth of water you are in so you can keep track of how deep it is getting and whether there is danger of flooding.

11. Lighting Improvements:
11.1 Internal LED's – All inside lights should be LED's, especially the rear trunk light which needs to be a lot brighter.
11.2 Dimming Levels -- dimming controls do not dim enough for some people, especially when driving in low light, and especially on the satnav screen.
11.3 Stronger Ambient Lights – The ambient lighting is too weak, not enough impact, especially behind the centre console where knees can obscure it from being visible at all. The lights in the door handles are barely visible, their prismatic lenses should face upward and should block less light. The ambient lights elsewhere are especially dim for users who routinely drive in lighter, built-up areas.
11.4 Stalk Ambience -- Indicator/Windscreen Washer stalks should be lit up from inside to make them easier to read and to match all the other controls.
11.5 Daylight Running Rear – Add option for daylight running rear lights, for those users who don't have auto-on lights.
11.6 Headlight Brightness Adjust -- Add option to adjust light level used for auto headlights
11.7 Dip Switch – The headlight dip switch is too stiff, even compared to the Freelander.
11.8 Adaptive Headlights – Some users have reported faults with the adaptive headlights failing to work, with others suggesting their adaption to various lighting conditions around oncoming headlights, may use an inadequate algorithm.

12. Seating Improvements:
12.1 Butt Poke Ridges – The front seats in the Prestige models have raised cheek pads on the sides; and under the outer edge of these seat pads there is plastic or metal hardware that can easily be felt through the felt gusset of the seat. This hardware presents ridges against the driver's legs which feels worse if the leather is softened from a few months use, or if the journey is long, or the driver is heavy -- which is common for affluent North Americans. The driver will feel a 2-inch long ridge pressing along the lower buttock on the inside edge of the seat, and pressing along the upper leg on the outside edge of the seat. The pain can be reduced by sitting further back in the seat, which supports more of the driver's weight into the back of the seat, and/or by reducing the lumbar inflation. Some users have experienced bruising and suggest the problem is significant enough to warrant a recall, but other users can not feel these ridges.
12.2 Weak Lumbar – Lumbar is too subtle in Prestige seats, needs more range of motion. Mid-point of lumbar should be raised and should not press against tail-bone as this pushes buttocks forward without improving spine-curvature or posture-support.
12.3 Passenger Seat Memory – Need memory setting buttons for the passenger side seat.
12.4 Coupe Rear Access – The front seats take 20-seconds to move forward so as to allow access to the rear seats. If parents need to load children fast, this access delay could endanger them.
12.5 Coupe Seat Handles - The handles on the front seats to enable access to the back of the Coupe feel cheap and weak, alloy would feel better.
12.6 Seat-Front Raise – Enable theseat bottom to pivots so user can raise front of seat higher or lower than back of seat, as availble on GM SUV's.
12.7 Passenger Height Adjust – There should be electric height adjustment on the passenger seat.
12.8 Driver Position Memory – The Driver Position Memory on the driver side door offers 3 position settings, but fails to memorize: (a) the default phone for that particular driver, (b) the default user profile in the Say What You See system, © the drivers preferred lumbar position and © any driver seat position at the maximum rear setting of seat adjustment on the back and forth seat rails.
12.9 Seat Limits – Seat control should be modified for taller users such that it will back up and raise to its extreme settings at the same time, instead of having to chose between fully back and too low, or fully up and too forward.
12.10 Dynamic Seat Tilt – Add tilt option to standard Evoque dynamic model driver seat.
12.11 Padded Console -- The central console could be better padded, especially where the side of the knee rests against the aluminium trim. This pressure point can cause bruising and/or inflammation just below the knee cap. Alternatively, an optional knee protector could be sold with the Evoque.
12.12 Foot Rest Size -- The foot rests both sides of the Evoque are too small for US size-11 shoes.
12.13 Rear-View Mirror – The central rear-view mirror is mounted an inch too low, may be easier to instal but reduces visibility forward and back
12.14 Sliding Rear Seat – Some users have suggested a sliding rear seat to allow larger boot or larger passenger compartment as required.
12.15 Flimsy Seat-Nets -- The nets on te back of the seats feel cheap, as if they will lose elacticity and start to sag quickly. Some users prefer the leatherette pockets of the Range Rover Sport.
12.16 Up/Down Armrests – Other Range Rover models have more adjustable armrest positioning.
12.17 Floor Mats -- The included mats should be larger, and $400 for a set of rubber floor mats that inadequatly cover the floor is unacceptable. The standard supplied floor mats are too small and need to be more 3-dimensionally-formed. The optional Range Rover winter rubber mats should be larger, and more tray-like, similar to those made by Weathertech. This is like offering a g-string when a diaper is needed.
12.18 Adjustable Pedals – As available on many vehicles, to allow for increased range of driver sizes.
12.19 Foot Rests – The is a passenger side kick plate or plastic tray protecting fuses from the passenger's toes. This plate should be modified to allow larger foot sizes to fit under it. This is also necessary for the driver's side dead pedal, which forces users with bigger feet to pull their heal back slightly, which in stiff shoes will block circulation to the toes.
12.20 Foot Rest -- Foot-rest position needs to be user adjustable, or at least factory adjustable. Some users find their resting foot lies between the foot rest and the brake pedal, others find that the foot-rest is too close or too far away, and some find it too short from heel to toe. The dead pedal in the Evoque is one of those little things that annoy me. Its not wide enough, It's also to close for taller drivers and so could be made factory adjustable.
12.21 Heel Rest – Floor in front of the pedals should be less slanted, so user's heal does not slide forward with gravity while driving, and so user can rest foot on a flat/level surface while using cruise control.

13. Storage Improvements:
13.1 Trunk/Boot Closure – Some users report issues with electric boot opening and closing, a known hardware bug that is typoically fixed under warrantee.
13.1 Anchor Cleat Size – The anchor cleats that fit into the trunk's recessed slides are too large and should fit flush with the floor as they damage any luggage that is pushed over them.
13.2 Anchor Cleat Storage -- Add a cut-out to store the removable restraining anchor cleats, that normally fit in the trunk's recessed cleat-slides.
13.3 Labelled Storage – Label the mystery storage compartments that are cut into the hard-foam container that the spare wheel sits in. One cut-out looks like it was designed for cylindrical flashlight, but it can't be used for that purpose as the cut-out is too deep.
13.4 Additional Trunk Storage -- Create an easy way to remove the spare wheel (especially for those with run-flat tyres), and the hard-foam container that the spare wheel sits in. This will free up a huge area of extra storage in the trunk.
13.5 Inadequate Cabin Storage – Additional storage areas can be added to the Evoque without modifying the design. One storage area could be created overhead, behind the roof-blind switch, where there is already an empty bulge in the roofline. Another storage area could be created in the rear lower quarter of the front doors, although the access to this storage may be restricted. The center console is difficult to access and it is not ergonomically compartmentalized. Storage bins in the front door are too low to use while driving, as is the area under the center console. A drink in the cup holder prevents access to additional storage in the armrest. The armrest should be a multi-compartment armrest, with at least two open-able parts, including a shallow top section and a deeper bottom section, as is standard in most current vehicles.
13.6 Cup Holder Cover – The cup-holder cover should push away completely. This can be achieved by removing the tab that sticks up from it, but this would only work if there was a mechanism in place to access the cover once it is fully retracted.
13.7 Key Pocket – Need key pocket or storage location, preferably near or under the steering wheel. The key will fit above the steering wheel tilt lever, if the lever is not pushed up into its tightest position. Some users have suggested that they would like to be able to insert the ignition key into the start button, for storage.
13.8 Load Bay -- Should be a flat load-bay when rear seats are folded.
13.9 Parcel Shelf -- The rear parcel shelf is annoyingly difficult to relocate once removed, as the retaining clips are fractionally too short.
13.10 Rear Headrests – Rear headrests should be lock-hinged so they can fold forward when not in use by rear passengers, or they should be securely stowable under the rear seats or in the foot-wells. This will increase rear window visibility for those who rarely if ever have rear passengers.

14. Windscreen Wiper Improvements:
14.1 Wiper Height – Windscreen wipers are set a few inches too high, and can be easily lowered at dealerships to work better and be less conspicuous.
14.2 Windscreen Judder - When the front windscreen heater is on, and when travelling on a salted highway, if the wipers are used too frequently the windscreen wipers will start to judder, leaving lines half an inch apart on the windscreen. This can be reduced by decreasing the angle of attack of the wiper blade, typically on the drive side. Judder in one blade will also cause judder in the other, as the wiper blades have “resonant connectivity” (both connect to same transverse rod).
14.3 Dead-Wipers -- Wipers when set to Auto, rarely activate when Evoque is stationary. They should remember how active they used to be and continue to be as active. They should also wipe as soon as the Evoque starts up from stationary, such as at a traffic light, for the sake of safety.
14.4 Front Wiper Height -- The windscreen wipers are too high when not in use, but they are easy to lower and for some, lowering them improves performance and style. Other users have found that the wipers should be an inch longer, and should exert more pressure on the windscreen if they judder at high wind-speed.
14.5 Rear Wiper Weakness – Rear Wiper is flimsy and can break if operated when frozen to screen.

15. Design Improvements:
15.1 Low-Rent Decal -- The Range Rover badge on the steering wheel is “low-rent”, it needs to be classier.
15.2 Colour-Coded Plastics -- Exterior plastics should be properly colour coded, especially the grill and door handles.
15.3 Wing Mirror Noise -- The wing mirrors are big and thus noisy at high-speed, but quieter if folded back. Sometimes they will not fold back at high-speed, if they have previously been adjusted independently.
15.4 Pillar Case – Some users report lose, badly fitted or warped casing around the airbag in the windscreen pillars, which had to be fixed on warrantee. Other users have noticed the casing is a half inch too short at the bottom, leaving a visible gap between the casing and the top of the dash.
15.5 Speaker Grills -- Speaker Grills are currently gloss metal, unlike most of the brushed aluminium in the rest of the Evoque. These grills should either be brushed metal, or preferably, colour-matched to the door trim, so they are less rudely conspicuous.
15.6 Seat-belt Stains -- The black dye used on the seatbelts will come out, leaving marks on clothing, but especially leaving a stain-mark on the outside of the pillar in which the seat-belt is housed. This stain-mark is more noticeable on light-coloured interiors, and may take several months of normal use to become noticeable.

Whistle Our Petition to Improve the Evoque sent to Range Rover CEO, get your copy ---> HERE <---
(This post was last modified: 15-02-2012 10:10pm by olde.)
24-12-2011 05:43pm
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Posts: 474
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Post: #2
RE: 2012 Software Update List

Is it possible to put wifi connectivity on the car, by a wireless USB dongle plugged into the USB ports on the car. Then I can connect the car wireless to my home network and send files to the hdd storage. Or upload sat nav location for example I find the route I want on my home computer via goggle maps then send that to the cars sat nav.

Pure SD4 Auto Black Tech pack, Pano roof, Powered tailgate, Dim rear view, Carpet mats & edging, Parking Assist Aid - Rear camera, Folding mirrors, Front Fogs, Auto Light, Rain sensor, Adaptive Xenons, Heated SW, Keyless entry and Privacy Glass arrived 13 Jan 12 Smile
24-12-2011 05:57pm
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Post: #3
RE: 2012 Software Update List

Here's a few I can think of:

1. In NAV, all the buttons obscure the map, please make them semi-transparent or smaller
2. In NAV, the map rotation arrow buttons are too aggressive, they cause the map to spin out of control. Also, the NAVIGATION system does not let you browse in the direction of travel in 3D-mode, without placing buttons and information under your finger and in the way of the map
3. In PHONE, phonebook search suggestions should use all data-fields when making a contact suggestion
4. GENERALLY response is SLOW, yet it buffers button-presses without letting the user know
5. The ENTERTAINMENT video preview screen is unnecessary and only adds extra button presses
6. Dimming controls do not dim enough for some people, especially when driving at night
7. The NAV database does not work well with pseudonyms, e.g. we have a road called QEW which has to be called HWY-401 with a hyphen, without spelling out highway. Meanwhile, 401 is not listed in the NAV database.
8. In ENTERTAINMENT, too many video formats are not recognized and the user manual is vague about this
9. Allow WiFi dongle to be used, so we can connect our cars to our wireless devices and networks. Great idea!

Whistle Our Petition to Improve the Evoque sent to Range Rover CEO, get your copy ---> HERE <---
(This post was last modified: 24-12-2011 06:04pm by olde.)
24-12-2011 06:03pm
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Post: #4
RE: 2012 Software Update List

1. The rear view camera is a great option but it could do with being quicker to action. On some occasions the manouvre can be almost complete before the camera fires up.
2. It would be useful to allow more than one mobile phone to be connected at the same time.
3. SWYS nav system cancels unless you first agree to the warning. It would be useful before it cancels if it actually could ask you to agree, rather than having to start the whole process again.
4. The 10 minute cut off for radio/tv etc functions without the engine running is very annoying. whilst understanding battery drain Im sure that a better system could be used.
5. One click "all doors opening" feature would be useful, rather than having to do it twice.
6. For those of us without 20-20 vision an option to enlarge fonts on key sat nav info would be useful and similarly with the driver info system on the central display.
Apologies if any of these are already possible and I've just not realised.

Arrived. Prestige SD4 Auto 5DR OG September 11
(This post was last modified: 24-12-2011 06:58pm by ytshome.)
24-12-2011 06:57pm
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Post: #5
RE: 2012 Software Update List

(24-12-2011 06:57pm)ytshome Wrote:  1. The rear view camera is a great option but it could do with being quicker to action. On some occasions the manouvre can be almost complete before the camera fires up.
2. It would be useful to allow more than one mobile phone to be connected at the same time.
3. SWYS nav system cancels unless you first agree to the warning. It would be useful before it cancels if it actually could ask you to agree, rather than having to start the whole process again.
4. The 10 minute cut off for radio/tv etc functions without the engine running is very annoying. whilst understanding battery drain Im sure that a better system could be used.
5. One click "all doors opening" feature would be useful, rather than having to do it twice.
6. For those of us without 20-20 vision an option to enlarge fonts on key sat nav info would be useful and similarly with the driver info system on the central display.
Apologies if any of these are already possible and I've just not realised.

Number 5 is already available from the car set up functions using the menu options via the buttons on the steering wheel. I have it set to open all doors with one press.

Arrived! OG 5dr Dynamic, shadow chromes, pano roof and few other bits.
24-12-2011 09:30pm
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Post: #6
RE: 2012 Software Update List

i also think the software is quite slow and getting that a little more responsive will go a long way to also help the issue with the rear camera coming on when you need it.

i so far have been very impressed with the soundsystem, and i think what meridian have done with there surround system is pretty top notch, but i do wish the graphic could have a touch more control, maybe a bit of mid control on top of the top/low/sub settings.

it would also be nice to have a better control of shortcuts, as discussed before navigating through the cameras is a bit of a chore, and being able to jump to certain views would be a great help, and i cant understand why this is not implemented already.

SD4 Prestige 5 Door Manual. Fuji White. 20" Style 6 Wheels. Vibe-Ebony Interior and Header. Panoramic Roof. AD. Privacy and Solar Attenuating Glass. Surround Camera, Heated Seats. Pollution Sensor. Rear Vents. 825W Sound and a Spare Wheel
24-12-2011 09:56pm
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Post: #7
RE: 2012 Software Update List

(24-12-2011 09:30pm)PJ Wrote:  Number 5 is already available from the car set up functions using the menu options via the buttons on the steering wheel. I have it set to open all doors with one press.

Thanks PJ. Hadn't realised

Arrived. Prestige SD4 Auto 5DR OG September 11
24-12-2011 10:23pm
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Post: #8
RE: 2012 Software Update List

The suggestions here seem to reinforce my view that most RRE owners don't care how the thing drives as long as it can play some obscure video format. Just in case you've forgotten, it's a CAR which is designed to take you places, not an adult playpen where you can fiddle endlessly with your data sticks.

The only change I'd like to see is for the TPMS to display the actual tyres pressure on each corner in near-real time.


Evoque was great, now in an RRS SVR
25-12-2011 04:59pm
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Post: #9
RE: 2012 Software Update List

Delay in track changes.

Lotus Exige (aspen white) with VF supercharger kit, 413hp, 366lb/ft
Range Rover Evoque in fuji white and almond/espresso interior
2013 Audi A7 3.0T supercharged
25-12-2011 05:08pm
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Post: #10
RE: 2012 Software Update List

direction of travel in 3D-mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
25-12-2011 08:55pm
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