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Battery time done records (No trickle charger) - Printable Version

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Battery time done records (No trickle charger) - benzina - 29-07-2013 01:53pm

7 Weeks no worries!
This is a positive thread on seeing what record times members have experienced leaving the Evoque sitting locked up (double locked) for an extended period of time, without the assistance of a battery trickle charger, and then starting immediately as normal.

Just got back from 7 weeks holiday, leaving the Evoque sitting (double locked) in the garage the whole time without a trickle charger, and it simply unlocked and started as though i have never been away. I was super impressed, after being initially concerned not knowing what to expect.

Seriously, it just did'nt hesitate in the slightest!...this put a little smile on my face,and i gave it a gentle tap on the the dash in appreciative acknowledgment of a job well done!

For those without battery issues, this thread will be helpful in giving an general indication of how long you can reasonably leave your Evoque sitting around locked up without a trickle charger. Lets hear your time done experiences.

Edit : Please Note
list information as follows....
(1) Battery Time Done?
(2) Climate & Average temperatures?
(3) Start-up response?
(4) Was it Double Locked?

RE: Battery time done records (No trickle charger) - PhilSkill - 29-07-2013 01:58pm

Good news Benzina, Was that double locked (with the beep) or single locked?

Obviously the warmer temperatures will help restarting (even if it's your winter... what temps are you at) , needing a lot less from the Battery, but if there was no slowness in the starting crank, that's good news!

Longest I've left mine is 10 days, and never had any issues, and that's with the origional software before any upgrades.

RE: Battery time done records (No trickle charger) - benzina - 29-07-2013 02:24pm

Cheers PhilSkill...yep that was double locked (with the beep), as i had read somewhere it helps with hibernation, and basically puts the car in sleep mode.
Good point on mentioning the season &'s two thirds into winter here, with average temperatures ranging from 3 - 18 deg cel (10 deg cel when i started it this morning).
I've never had any issues with the battery either,and thus no software updates needed.

Honestly, it just started absolutely instantly,full power, and no slowness of crank in the slightest, like i had never been away at all.... Amazing!!

RE: Battery time done records (No trickle charger) - XFullFatTim - 30-07-2013 04:04pm

Mine has now been unmoved until today since 6th June. My brother drove it today and had to advise the tracking company as they wanted to do a software upgrade tat can only be done with the car's engine running. He told me it started first press of the button, no hesitation and it hasn't been on a trickle charger either this time

RE: Battery time done records (No trickle charger) - benzina - 31-07-2013 03:36am

Uncanny!! thats just about the same amount of time as mine Tim... To be precise, i had mine sitting from June 4 - July 29.

Now...we need to hear of more experimenters, so we can see how far this thing can get out to starting up instantly on first press, and it's good that we have established a big 7 weeks as no worries at all.

RE: Battery time done records (No trickle charger) - Amadeus - 31-07-2013 03:46am

Left mine 3 weeks in my garage untouched and started perfectly first time. Did a voltage check on the battery prior and it was fully charged so didn't expect any dramas.