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Fuel strike back on?? - Printable Version

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Fuel strike back on?? - Donny Dog - 26-04-2012 08:39pm

It's been announced that Unite are recommending fuel tanker drivers to vote against the latest deal, so it's not looking good vis a vis a possible strike.Sad

RE: Fuel strike back on?? - ED209 - 26-04-2012 08:42pm

I get angry about this, not because i am angry at the tanker drivers. But becuase I see what they can achieve by threatening to strike, when the police federation achieve nothing at all when its members are being absolutely shafted in relation to terms, conditions and pensions.

I know we cannot take industrial action, but theres lots of things they could do in relation to officers withdrawing from things they do on a voluntary basis etc etc yet they do nothing.

Tootal waste of a fiver a weeks subs for the last 15 years/

RE: Fuel strike back on?? - cutter7 - 26-04-2012 10:29pm

More than 2,000 drivers working for seven distribution firms will now be balloted on the proposals next month. (May)

Which will be just before the Bank Holiday and the Queens Birthday Celebrations (4 day weekend- June) first trial..and i

bet Unite TU, are aiming to bring the country down 27th July.. Olympics..!!Shocked...which is also, the start of the school summer hol's etc..

RE: Fuel strike back on?? - XFullFatTim - 27-04-2012 09:47am

Maybe we, the consumers, should just stop buying. No sales requires no deliveries means oil majors reduce prices and tanker drivers loose their over paid jobs! It's all supply and demand.

RE: Fuel strike back on?? - J77 - 27-04-2012 10:09am

I am a unite member and the reason they are looking at doing something during the Olympics is the bus drivers aren't getting the bonus that all other TfL workers are getting. If its good enough for one it's good enough for another.

I will be going down to the Olympics to drive buses but I will not cross a picket.

Just before Xmas the depot I am based at went out on an illegal strike ( not ideal) but we felt we had no other option, the company wouldn't listen to us or come and talk to us. We wanted our bully of a manager out and that was the only way.

RE: Fuel strike back on?? - Straydox - 27-04-2012 10:23am

I'm in the Jeremy Clarkson camp - Shoot them.

RE: Fuel strike back on?? - Donny Dog - 27-04-2012 10:25am

It's amazing how little 'air time' this news is getting today - nothing on BBC News either on TV or on their website, for example. A cynic might think they'd been asked to give it a low profile to avoid panic!
(27-04-2012 10:23am)Straydox Wrote:  I'm in the Jeremy Clarkson camp - Shoot them.

But not while they're standing near a full tanker!

RE: Fuel strike back on?? - lesdon499 - 27-04-2012 12:57pm

ED 209 Move to Scotland Smile SPF are working with SG to try and find a way through Windsor and Hutton. That said, there are still plenty of employees who have had their terms and conditions eroded under the basis of financial constraint. More focus on the bankers who have still got off pretty light!

