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My car was one of the first to get the fix and it has solved the alarm issue. However this weekend I have noticed I cannot get my iPhone to play music via Bluetooth. Anyone else got this issue? No problems before it went in!
I telephoned the dealer today to check that they were still picking my car up tomorrow (took 8 attempts), they confirmed all my details and said yes! Then I had a telephone call to say 'the driver who was picking my car up had gone home sick!!!!!' so if I wanted the software update I would have to take the car to them - I have opted for this option!

Watch this space.
(01-04-2013 06:18am)cjh Wrote: [ -> ]After 2 months of Evoque ownership I have just discovered its my Evoques alarm that keeps going off in the early hours of the morning!!! No flashing lights, just the siren for about 20 secs. Last alarm trigger says panic alarm. i've jumped out of bed a good few times now trying to see if it was my car before it stopped, once walking into the bedroom wall in the pitch black, once almost falling down tge stairs trying to get there in time. I think its pathetic that the lights don't flash as a visual indication even if it is a fault...well at least none of the neighbours realise its my car! why isn't there a time stamp with the last alarm cause notification, at least I would have known it was my car 2 months ago.

Where can you check the last alarm trigger?
In the driver menu (only type, no timestamp attached as far as I recall) - however, I don't think these 'false' alarms register in the same way and hence do not show on the driver menu
Well where do I start! Took the car in today at 9:00 for the software update, spoke to a nice gentleman on the service desk who told me that the are having lots of Evoques with the alarm problem and the bad news was that the update would take 5 hours (not what Liam @Landrover told me) but hey no more 'wake-up' calls. I left the car with them after asking that they knew what to do to resolve the alarm issue, yes sir leave it to us. I had a telephone call from one of the service desk receptionists at 12:15 asking me who I had spoken to at Landrover, I ask was there any problems to which she replies no! I then telephoned Stratstone to pick me up at 13:02 and again 3 more times after this, when both my wife and myself were finally picked up and taken back to the Stratstone I was told that they did not really know why the car was there and had not updated any software as they were still waiting for Landrover to answer the technical query they had raised on the car.

As you can imagine I was not best pleased, they had my Evoque for 4.5 hours and had done nothing to it, made me walk around Cardiff for all this time to be told the above, I just asked for the keys and told them I would raise a complaint with customers services at Landrover. After waiting a further 20 minutes I finally drove away very annoyed, 60 miles more on the clock, minus the shoe leather I had wasted.

£44K on a car to be treated like this!

I have since found out that they raise a TR with Landrover UK at 12:35, thats after asking me to get my car there by 9:00, 3.5 hours before they even looked at it.
The service guys can see when the alarm has triggered but we can't. The reading on mine always said "volumetric" but I was told this was rubbish as it was software related trigger not any sensor.
Sadly I can believe the poor service from Stratstone as I would never buy another car from them after my experience of BMW Harrogate. Poor does not even come close.
My understanding is that if you call Landrover assist, they give you a replacement vehicle from Enterprise (charged to LR Uk) while the issue is fixed. I had a D4 for two weeks while they tested the software on mine and another couple of cars around the country.
You couldn't make this up.

Hi All

Just thought I'd share my Evoque woes to! had my car 4 months now. According to the MK Dealer I was one of the first to have it! but looking at all your comments, I can see it appears to be all new cars and cars that have been serviced.

It's been into the dealer 6 times -they even had it 2 weeks whilst I was on holiday in March.

Today, they agreed to sort out a loan car as I can't have this going off in the middle of the night any longer. when it goes off it's always 10 past the hour! 2 Monday's in a row 4.10 AM then 5.10AM this week - but clocks had gone forward an hour so technically the same time! 8.10am on Saturday AM, but over the last 4 months I've had 5.10PM, 1.10am, 8.10Pm.

the dealer told me today that they still don't know the problem is and can't give any timescales for a fix - I've learnt more on the thread than from them! I will point my dealer to this in the morning!
Hi All,
We have some positive news on the Evoque alarm issue.

A permanent fix will be made available to dealerships as of Monday 8th April 2013 in the form of a software update.

It is recommended that vehicles with the alarm issue present should be booked into the dealerships for application from Wednesday 10th April 2013 onwards.

Please be mindful that booking availability may be limited as there are quite a number of vehicles experiencing this issue.

Thank you for your patience and co-operation during the development of the fix and sincerest apologies on behalf of Land Rover for the disturbances caused.

Kind regards,
Hi Liam
Can you tell me how I find out what version of software my car has on it. I had an early version of software from LR a few weeks ago to solve the alarm issue, and wonder if this was a early beta version rather than the final released version you mention. Working in the IT industry I understand the final version will be better and may solve my issue with Bluetooth connection I now have.
Thank Stuart
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