Congratulations again boinzo, I echo your joy at this new car.
I had a great day, it was nice to pick up the car on a day off. I arrived at the dealers and did lots of talking and then spoke to the service department guy, learning all about the new service system which see all service records no going online, rather than in a book with a stamp.
The only hitch was the business guy did not manage to get to the appointment, so that only delays linking my novated lease agreement with Smart Salary, but not a big issue and can wait till next week.
At the dealership there always seems to be a new car lurking under a big green cover that I though was some special car being released, but I did get a hell of a surprise when Garreth asked me to stand near it for a minute and that I might like to get my camera ready, which is when the penny finally dropped.
So after the unveiling and an explanation of all the technology I drove off for a drive in the Brindabellas via the Cotter Dam to Corin Dam. Lots of twisty roads and some straight stretches and the car took it all in comfort and with similar driving response as my Subaru Liberty GT with its performance system. I am of course being careful to not overdo it in its first 1,000km and varied speed and revs as I went, but on one occasion I did look at the speedo while going down a straight stretch and saw 130km so backed off. I drives like a dream and is an enjoyable ride.
Unfortunately the car is already a bit dirty, from the drive and then travelling down the dirt road leading to our property.
So here is one teaser photo and the rest will go in a new thread and tonight I will wade my way through the owners handbook, glad there is only one as there were three, large than this one, for my Liberty.