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2 seat vs bench seat - Printable Version

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2 seat vs bench seat - eeexeee - 16-07-2012 02:50pm

Hi all. Like you all, I too am a lucky proud owner of an Evoque Pure Coupe.

Order was placed early Jan, build date of March and Handover complete late May.

After the order was placed (Trivett Alexandria) an email was sent the next day to clarify options to ensure the order included what we wanted, one of those being the "No cost option" to have a 3 seater bench seat, rather than the 2 seats. Email confirmation was received from dealer that order will be amended and included.

It was partly my fault for not checking the car thoroughly enough at time of handover as I was simply too eager to take the car for a spin. I could well have not paid the dealer and had them fix the issue before I accepted the car, however I did not and simply emailed the dealer with my disappointment that the so called 'no cost option' was not included.

Now i'm stuck with a car that is legally allowed to sit 4 passengers rather than 5. The sales person I've been dealing with has been great, and intermittently have replied to my emails. However, the discussion of this issue seemed to have been dodged suggesting it is not a fix that can be done locally, he is unsure where to go with this etc etc.

I would love to know your advice in this kind of situation prior to taking legal advice. What would you do in this situation?

Thanks and looking forward to your reply.

RE: 2 seat vs bench seat - Mudi1 - 16-07-2012 03:44pm

As far as I am aware, an email constitutes "confirmation in writing" much like a fax does. You do state that you have that. Ok you have driven the car away, but that doesn't mean that your change will not be dealt with (albeit at a later date).

My own personal stance would be that had I notified LR of it prior to the "locked in" build date, I would continue to be expectant of the seat replacement and would pursue for it. However, If I had notified LR after or during the locked in date, I would see it as my fault and think lesson learn't, it won't happen again.

RE: 2 seat vs bench seat - eeexeee - 17-07-2012 01:03pm

Thank you for your reply Mudi1. I will continue to pursue the dealer to see what action they can take.

I just find it odd that they would offer the bench seat as a 'no cost option' in the first place. Wouldn't the bench seat cost LR more to manufacture, considering it has an addition sensor and armrest?

In fact I would have happily taken it as a paid option. However, as it was sold to me as a no cost option, puts me in an awkward situation of pursuing something that costs nothing.

Has anyone here had there dealer tell them the bench seat is a 'no cost option'?

Are the Coupes suppose to only come with 2 seats?

Any other experiences, comments from dealers regarding the seats are welcome.

RE: 2 seat vs bench seat - RacingSnake - 17-07-2012 01:17pm

I don't know if Oz is different from the UK, but my 3 seater bench seat was a nco.

RE: 2 seat vs bench seat - Lookers Park Royal - 17-07-2012 02:05pm

In the UK the bench seat was originally the NCO with the individual seats being the standard spec, however within a short period of time (and due to proportional demand I would guess), the two options were swapped so that the bench seat became the default spec but the option of individual seats being the NCO. At the time dealers had to be precise with customers at the time of order as to what configuration they required.

I'm not sure what the set-up is in Australia, however hopefully this will explain what happened in the UK.

James Smile