- The Range Rover Evoque Forum

Full Version: Is the Sat Nav UK only?
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I'm planning on taking my Dynamic Coupe over to Europe for a couple of trips - my TomTom has European maps - does the evoque's satnav?
of course
Of course?! So is it international?
The maps would be localised for each market. No point having european maps in the Australian vehicles.
I would suspect you will get Western European maps loaded into the car.
What do current RRs come with? Is it possible to upgrade?
(29-04-2011 09:11am)LRX Wrote: [ -> ]What do current RRs come with? Is it possible to upgrade?

Good question.......
By what do you meen come with? As in make or as in maps?
Erm... Both!
Current RR's come with western Europe. Not sure whos software they use, I think it is their own?
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