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[SOLVED] Battery/bluetooth/satnav/DAB radio issue

Posts: 3
Joined: Jul 2019
Location: London UK
Post: #1
[SOLVED] Battery/bluetooth/satnav/DAB radio issue

Hi guys and girls. Wondered if any of you had seen or had this before. Ill put it in bullet points for ease of reading.

Yesterday everything working fine all day, using my bluetooth phone fine.

I was showing my mate the handle touch locking and unlocking (I did however do this about 6 or 7 times in quick succession, not sure why)

When i got back in my bluetooth telephone, my satnav and my DAB radio was not working. All kept saying 'searching' or 'waiting to connect' or 'phone not connected'.

It didn't come back on despite several engine restarts.

I went home planning on looking at it today and I've just gone out and key fob wouldn't open the car. Tried the spare nothing. I then noticed the back red lights on. Thinking I had left them on I opened the car with the key, looked at the stalk and they were on AUTO. No lights on the front by the way.

I then checked my tracker (not LR, aftermarket) but one that reads and records the battery status and it shows a current value of just over 7v.

I ran a report and it showed that around the time I was *ucking around with my handles that the battery started dipping after the engine was turned off.

Waiting fora mate to come over and jump start me so I can get my multimeter on some fuses and see if I can find the problem but wondered if anyone has had any of these issues before.

I did do a quick search and found something about resetting the car (not sure what that means or entails) but thought I'd ask.

PS... MY13 Dynamic Lux... bought it 1 month ago, already been back to dealer three times (not LR but a prestige one (suppsodily)) to have problems fixed and now this.
(This post was last modified: 09-09-2019 08:42pm by londonsteveuk.)
09-09-2019 05:22pm
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Posts: 3
Joined: Jul 2019
Location: London UK
Post: #2
RE: Battery/bluetooth/satnav/DABradio issue

Not that anyone has replied yet, but in the interest in helping others...

My friend came and we jump started the Evoque. Instantly everything was restored and working fine. I however have not identified WHY it went wrong and will do some more digging tomorrow.

But needless to say I think a disconnection of battery and reconnecting should save the above if it happens to anyone else, or at least something to try.
09-09-2019 08:41pm
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