(26-09-2012 08:25am)speary Wrote: Regulation 27 section b states "the tyre is not so inflated as to make it fit for the use to which the motor vehicle or trailer is put", however this statement is fairly ambiguous. As there is no indication of at what point an under or over inflated tyre becomes unfit for the use it is being put to.
Did you just copy that exact text from "etyres.com"?
I know you're not being deliberately confrontational (and I hope I'm not too), but not only is it wildly open to interpretation, but Paragraph 2 also does caveat paragraph 1, by saying:
"Paragraph (1)
does not prohibit the use on a road of a motor vehicle or trailer by reason only of the fact that a wheel of the vehicle or trailer is
fitted with a tyre which is deflated or not fully inflated and which has any of the defects described in sub-paragraph ©, (d) or (e) of paragraph (1),
if the tyre and the wheel to which it is fitted are so constructed as to make the tyre in that condition fit for the use to which the motor vehicle or trailer is being put and
the outer sides of the wall of the tyre are so marked as to enable the tyre to be identified as having been constructed to comply with the requirements of this paragraph. "
So basically, if you over-inflate past the max pressure as marked on the tyre, yes you're open to it being dangerous.
In reality though, I don't think I have ever ever heard of any prosecutions through tyre inflation... it is far more likely to be an issue the tyre which may or may not be a consequence of the tyre inflation.
That said, I apologise for casting a blanket doubt on your statement.