(22-02-2012 02:43pm)dandavis1 Wrote: Actually, I disagree.
Oil is not going to last forever plus it's bad for the planet, the air and everyone's health. It's only by the price of fuel increasing that customers will consider alternatives and that in turn will fuel organisations to develop viable alternatives to fossil fuels. And it's only then that our dependence on the Middle East can ease.
Reducing the amount of tax on fuel is not going to solve the problem in the long term. And if tax doesn't go up on fuel, where should it go up?
So many car journeys are unnecessary anyway (just look how busy it is outside each and every school around the country every morning).
Moaning and whining about the cost of fuel won't stop it increasing. Finding and using alternatives will.
Before oil's supremacy, coal was king.
It was the bedrock of the industrial revolution in Europe and North America, and it still has a role to play.
There are enormous reserves of coal available, but it does give off large quantities of the gases which are causing climate change, especially carbon dioxide (CO2) and sulphur dioxide (SO2).
Technology can help, up to a point, with improvements like fluidised bed technology, which burns coal much more efficiently and results in much less pollution.
But it seems highly unlikely that coal will ever recover its once-dominant position.
A category of fuel comes under the heading of renewables.
Some are tried and tested, like hydro-electric power, and many countries, for instance Norway, are already exploiting them to the full.
Wind and wave power have promise, as does biomass - crops like willow which grow quickly and are increasingly being used for fuel. Transport fuel based on renewable oilseed crops such as soybeans and rapeseed also has potential.
Solar power is coming on by leaps and bounds. There are already photo-voltaic cells which will provide power on a cloudy British winter's day, or even by moonlight.
They are expensive, but a lot cheaper than similar cells were a few years ago.
For vehicles, many motor manufacturers believe the future lies in fuel cells, which will power cars as effectively as now, but without relying on oil.
They foresee a change from an oil-based economy to one based on hydrogen.