The vanity mirror lights take small T5 bulbs, which you can buy LED versions of. The first time I attempted the change I found the bulbs I had bought were too long to fit into the sockets. They were 20mm long IIRC and just wouldn't go in. The other problem I encountered was that when I pulled the OEM bulb out it blew fuse #P57 (10 amp). I then bought some T5 bulbs, which were shorter than the standard ones (16mm) thinking they would work out better, but alas no. I thought it would make sense to pull out fuse #P57 before fiddling with the bulbs again, but after pulling out the OEM bulb, popping the LED one in and putting the fuse back in, the bulb wouldn't work. For some reason the fuse had blown again, so for now I've decided just to leave the vanity lights as they are. All of the other interior lights were swapped over to LED's without a single problem or blown fuse, but the vanity lights don't seem to like LED's and for the life of me I don't know why, lol! If anyone has any tips as to how to do this mod, I'd welcome your advice. Thanks folks,

Paula xx