Cut a long story as short as poss - Went to the Dockside Outlet Centre in Chatham Maritime early in August. Got down there in the beautifull sunshine, jumped out the car quickly as it was 17.20 & the shops would be closing soon but inadvertantly parked straddled over the white line though that part of the car park was ni-on empty.
Whilst in the shop I looked out of an open door in the shop to see torrential rain & thunder. On return to the car we put the wiper on to find something stuck to the glass which then broke my wiper blade as it was put on. I got out the car to find a small open plastic bag with the remnants of what I assumed was a parking ticket that someone else had had from possibly a council carpark & dumped it on my screen. I got it out of the bag to try & read it but it was an illegible mess & there was no info on it to read as though it was only part of a ticket.
As I couldn't read it & had no real idea as to what it actually was I discarded it. 3 weeks later we got a letter asking for £100. I sent an appeal explaining the above plus telling them if they wished to persue the ticket I would sent them a bill (being self employed) for the wiper arm & bill them £20 per hour to take it to the garage to get it sorted. A letter arrived yesterday rejecting it.
I am known as Victor Meldrew by family etc & rang them up only to speak with some dumb obnoxious jobsworth who checked the photo to say it was sunny when the ticket was issued at 17.23 but totally refused to acknowledge or check the camera to see that it was raining a few minutes later. I mentioned the damage & invoice, she said you can send an invoice & it would be put in the shredder. I can't deal with xxxx like that.
I have seen companies like this on BBC Watchdog but can't quite remember the outcome, any ideas.
BE WARNED THE COMPANY IS UKCPS based in Leeds & have plenty of sites countrywide. They are quite obviously theiving ,robbing, obnoxious, arrogant bar-stewards and need to be treated with the contempt they deserve.